Friday 15 February 2013

A Visit to Railway Station (15/2/13)

We at orchids, strive to make learning fun and interesting.  We also focus on child-centered learning to bring all round development of our students. Hence, we include various indoor and outdoor activities.  Students gain numerous experiences which have a positive impact on their emotional, intellectual, social and inter – personal development. These also inculcate other values in them like recreational values, cultural values, educational values etc.  They become self- confident, understand the society better and appreciate nature.       
As a part of our activities, we took our pre-primary students to a nearby railway station on 15/02/13. They learnt many things there. They could see  passengers going and coming, staff working over there, porters , station master, book stalls, canteens, booking counters, time – chart, vendors on the platforms, foot  - over bridge, etc.   
Our students understood that a railway station represents one of the features of the modern civilizations. It was truly a great learning.