Saturday, 4 August 2012


We all know that if there is nature there is future and life is nurtured if nature is nurtured. It is also known that planting of more trees is one of the best ways of preventing earth from global warming. But do we really take the needed care to preserve forests and reduce pollution by planting more trees?
Van Mahotsav, the annual tree-planting festival in India, is meant to make us conscious of our responsibility towards preserving nature. Orchids celebrated the festival in various ways. All the display boards depicted the need to sow seeds and let them grow into trees to serve us. Vegetation that safeguards creation on the earth became the cynosure of the period. There was a brief programme of songs, slogans and skits in which all the classes presented the urgent need to preserve greenery for the welfare of life on our planet.
Later each class planted a sapling of Bougainvillea in the school and it was a pleasure to watch their activity. The Principal of Orchids, Ms. Mona Mehdi and all the teachers were actively involved in celebrating the festival of a significant message. All the students were of the eagerness to ‘Go Green’.