Friday 10 February 2012


It is the norm of Orchids – The International School to organize field trips and picnics. There are many things to be learnt beyond the classroom teaching. Going out of the classroom adds excitement to teaching / learning. Keeping this in view, we organized a picnic for our Pre- primary students. They were taken to Krishna Kanth Park on 10/2/12. This was a kind of open air entertainment. It was also aimed to break the monotony of classroom atmosphere. The students were excited and relaxed. They enjoyed a lot. We played outdoor games. They were exposed to new windows of understanding. Such experience is different from the one that they have with their family. They were close to nature. They shared their snacks with their friends. Such activities enrich their learning. They enjoyed the beauty of nature and realised that man cannot exist alone but should co - exist with flora and fauna. They learnt civic sense also.