Friday, 27 September 2013

Talk Show competition

Orchids-The International School believes that children need learning experiences that help them understand, acquire and build up oral language. To foster the language development and improve the confidence level of pre-primary, a Talk Show Competition was conducted on 27/9/13. The topic for PP-I was Food - Healthy or Junk Food and the topic for PP–II was Transport – Air, Water or Land. The children of PP–I came in coloured costumes depicting healthy and junk food and PP-II children came with props related to their topic. Children spoke briefly on their chosen topics and participated with a lot of enthusiasm, making the competition successful.

Friday, 20 September 2013


Clay Modelling Competition was held in Orchids -The International School on 20/9/13 for the pre-primary children. Young minds can think differently. With play-doh the task becomes quite easy, exciting and long lasting. It is absolutely safe and non-toxic. This competition was the perfect platform for the creative minds of the children to meet their colourful desires and fantasy. The children of nursery PP I and PP II made their own beautiful sun, flowers, caterpillars, etc. and displayed them with pride.

The motive of this competition was to stimulate the imagination of the children and enable them to give it a better shape. This enhanced their eye-hand coordination, colour, recognition and fine motor skills.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Teachers’ Day Celebration

On 5/9/2013, there was a lot of excitement in the air as the students of Orchids geared up for one of the most awaited events – Teachers’ Day.  The enthusiasm was very much visible while they were planning for the occasion.
The day started with the Principal lighting the lamp.  The students of Classes VIII to X who represented the teachers also ‘taught’ in the classes. All the teachers received tokens of affection from the students and the school. It was followed by a cake cutting ceremony.

The teachers later displayed their singing talents through a game of ‘antyakshari’.  The day ended with an extended lunch for the staff members.

Telugu Day Celebrations

On 30/8/2013, as it was the Jayanthi of Gidugu Ramamurthy Panthulu, we the Telugu students of Orchids- The International School, celebrated Telugu Day with great vigour and joy.
The programme started with a graceful Kuchipudi dance dedicated to the Telugu Talli.
Later, the tiny tots of the school sang a few rhymes to show their joy on the occasion.
This was followed by the recital of the Telugu alphabet.

Then, Roshith Bhanu, from class VIII, sang a song both in the traditional and contemporary styles.The students of classes IX and X performed a small skit depicting the importance of education.

Sama Pavan Reddy ended the celebration, with an extremely outstanding monologue. It was the highlight of the event and portrayed the greatness of mankind.

Our Telugu teacher, the Head of the Telugu Department, Mrs. Talasila Rama Devi, gave the vote of thanks. We also thank our other Telugu teachers, Mr. Venkatadri and Mrs. Sunitha for their ideas and cooperation.

Yatisha Rajanala and Sribrahmi Chavali
Class X